Welcome To The Property Growth Academy

At the Property Growth Academy weā€™re passionate aboutĀ FINANCIAL and TIME freedom. We want to help you achieve your goals.

Unlike many other property education providers weā€™re realistic about the process and advertise property investment as a GET RICH SLOW SCHEME (rather than quick!).

Anyone can achieve results in property investment if you apply yourself correctly, timescales and results will vary. In our experience theĀ main catalyst for the WINNERS is EDUCATION, ACCOUNTABILITY and DRIVE. Thatā€™s where weā€™re here to help!

We have created our own Property Investment Roadmap to break down the process into easily digestible sections. The idea is by the end of the Roadmap you will know the theory behind BTL (buy to let) property investment from start to finish. We understand further support is likely to be required, so this is also included within our services.

Let's start this journey together

Let Us Guide You

Lewis Pemberton

Part time property investor, qualified electrician and is currently on the road to becoming financially free. Lewis has built up a growing property portfolio where he continues to re-invest his capital to purchase more properties to enable him to reach his financial freedom goal. Lewis has a wide range of property knowledge gained through hands-on experience.

Tom Mills

Tom has a wide range of property knowledge due to being a qualified mortgage broker, sourcing and refurbishing over 200 properties, owning a lettings agency and being a serial property entrepreneur. He has been involved in many property strategies however, has a soft spot for BTL (buy to let) and is passionate to inspire others to achieve what he has.

Your Roadmap to Property Investment is just one click away


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Two Step

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